Week 1 - Player Movement

Week 1 - Player Movement

New Features: Player Movement, Shooting, 2 Players.

So far I've made a lot of progress with the basics! I've implemented basic player movement with control over both segments of the legs.  I've also got the beginnings of a health system implemented, shooting and a second player. When I first tried to implement the second player, I ran into some issues that produced interesting results:

So far the second player still doesn't work properly, but at least they're not completely spaghettified anymore. 

I also received this great feedback, suggesting independent control of the legs and the ability to shoot off limbs which are great ideas to consider:

 My main priorities for the next update is to focus on implementing damage from bullets and fixing the second player. See you next week!


v0.2.zip Play in browser
Sep 11, 2021

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