Humanity has been subjugated by corporations who promised a cybernetic utopia but have developed the ultimate surveillance state.

Only the most cunning spy could infiltrate their establishment to halt their plans, and so do you, dissident, have what it takes to break the connection and liberate humanity? 


WASD to Move

Shift to sprint

Space to jump

Q to roll

C to Crouch

E to interact

Esc to Pause

A game created for KIT207 Game Design and Production at UTas by Edward Howarth, Jeremiah Horne, William McDonald and Zac Partridge.

Resources Used:

Sci Fi Environment

Free Skyboxes

TPS Shooter Template


Stable Diffusion

Code References (If not already included in source files)

Bernard Pacheco - Event Manager

MetalStorm Games - Waypoint Path System

Development log